Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Help from the doctor

Yesterday morning, I woke up in a panic, as my sweet little four and a half month old daughter was covered in speckles of a tiny, red, bumpy rash, and the rash on her forehead (which she was trying so badly to scratch the night before) was covered in a yellow crust.  So I called the pediatrician's office, and we were able to make an appointment with the nurse practitioner.

Little Bear's rash stumped the nurse practitioner, so she called the doctor in.  The doctor said it was a yeast rash combined with patches of eczema.  She gave us a prescription for diflucan.  It should help the yeast rash as well as the eczema patches (as they supposedly go hand in hand).

Also, she wants me to vastly broaden my diet.  (Pardon me as I let out a very ecstatic, yahooooooo!) I am to continue to avoid corn, wheat, sugar, dairy, soy, nuts, beans, shellfish, and large starchy potatoes (but I can have small, fingerling, or purple potatoes).  I am specifically to include more healthy fats.  Things like flax seed oil, seeds, olive oil, coconut oil, salmon.  Also...spices and garlic are good, as are green leafy vegetables.  My focus on eating needs to be centered around lots of vegetables, good proteins like what I've been eating (turkey and lamb) plus fish and chicken, and quinoa and rice are my grains.

Also, we are no longer in isolation. (Hallelujah!!!)

I feel like a new person.  We have more direction.  Little Bear should be feeling better very soon!

So in a nutshell, broader elimination diet for me, continue to use coconut oil applied topically on Little Bear, and a ten day prescription of diflucan.

I'm praying this antifungal medicine is the key.

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